martes, 31 de marzo de 2020

Our travel blog

Hi everyone! How are you?

We have read two different blog entries: one about India and another one about our own country! Now it will be your turn to write a blog entry!

Choose a place you have visited (a country or a city) and you liked. Write below your description of that place in about 100 word. Include in your description:

- Facts about that place.
- A routine or habit from the people there.
- Things that are happening now/around now in that place.
- Something that has happened there.

I am looking forward to reading your posts!

19 comentarios:

  1. Last year I went to Panama and I have the opportunity to visit Panama City. In this blog, I am going to describe some facts about it, the habits, routines, things that are happening there and a lot of interesting things that will leave your mouth open.
    I went there for ten days and I saw lots of things that were amazing. Did you know that Panama is the only place in the world where you can see the sun rise on the Pacific and set on the Atlantic? That surprise me! Another fact is that Panama City is the only capital city that has a rain forest within the city limits. One of the last days I went to an excursion that was with dolphins, we swam with them and in one of the tricks, the dolphins pushed me from my feet very fast and I raised from the water and it looked like I was flying like superman, it was amazing!

  2. Hi, last year I went to Ushuaia for 1 week I remember because It was the first time that traveled by plane. I was little scared at the beginning but then I was very happy. It also was the first time I met the snow.
    With my brother and my dad we went to hotel and we started playing a war of socks in the room. We went to the "Cerro Castor"that is a place you can make ski.
    After we put all the things of ski we went to the magic carpet, imagine it was the first time we ski, we can pas the 1 level but when we went to the second level I don´t know how to stop so I feel down it was so funny all the people was laughed about me and I was on the floor. After that we went to the school of ski Sebastian was the teacher he was so funny, I also make a friend his name was Dante. We make this for 4 days it was a very beautiful experience.
    The last day we went to see the sister of the girlfriend of my dad, she have a daughter, she ski very well and she is a very little girl she have 5 yeas old we laughed a lot with her.
    When we have to live Ushuaia I was so sad, and I will miss a lot that beautiful city, but my dad promised me that he would do the best to bring me this year again.

  3. Last winter I went to Spain to visit my father beacause he had the oportuniy to work there for six months. We had a familiar reunion in Pamplona. While my dad was working, my mom, my sister and I we made a tour around Pamplona where we ate, we visit a monument and shoppings and Burlada, the city where my dad was staying. When he came back from work we went to a square all together to play and had some snacks.At night we stayed in my dad´s apartment and he had dinner a watched some movies.
    In the same trip we went to San Sebastian and we went to the beach there. We spent a very nice days there but unfortunately we had to come back, we said goodbye to my father and later we took the plane that took us back to Argentina.

  4. Last year i went most of the year to Mar Del Plata because we like it so much.There my granmother and my grandfather have a apartament there to go on vacations or when we want to go they lend they lend it to us.
    There we went to a lot of places like we went a lot of times to eat at night to GLUCK or sometimes we went to eat ice cream rolls, on summer we went to the beach and on winter we went very warm to the games are down in the building.
    All the days my phather at 6 ó clock sometimes with my or sometimes with my brother he went fishing and the days that i didn´t went with him i stay in the apartament with my mom and we went to buy somethings or to be inside the apartament playing.

  5. last year I went to Hawaii, the island.I visited was called Oahu.In these island there are a lot of sea animals , mainly because the weather is always super sunny and hot. I went with my family (mom , dad , and sister)we did snorkel , padel and a bunch of other lovely water activities . That we enjoy a lot . I remember that ``diamond head´´ an inactive volcano was so huge and big that we had to go on an hour long climb to get to the top . When we reach the top the view was amazing and we were so high in the sky that you could barely see anything , mainly because we were in between the clouds . So to sum up I spend lovely holidays with my family and I highly recommend you guys to go visit the amazing island of Hawaii if you have the chance.


  6. In 2018, My family and I visited Russia and I want to share it with you, it is my favorite country and liked his capital city, Moscow because there are many big buildings and a lot of trees, is a really green city in summer obviously, because in winter all is white, I liked San Petersburg too. Russia is the biggest country of the world, everyone drink vodka, is the spirit most famous in Russia. They participated in two World War and they won it with the allied.
    In 2018 Russia was the place that hosted the Football World Wup in that same year, and I was there!!!!. Russia have more 1000 infected persons with coronavirus now and they have quarentine too.

    Joaquin Díaz

  7. Last summer I went to Córdoba, La Falda, to visit my uncle and my aunt with my mom, my sister and my mother's husband. Do you know La Falda? It's a beautiful place. People are very kind. There is a lot of nature, large rivers, hills and wild animals. When you climb the hills you can see all de city and you stay very near the clouds. We stayed there for two weeks, and then we returned to Buenos Aires but we didn't go home, we went to a farm with a great cottage in San Vicente, where I could see big pigs, a bull, horses, hen whith chicks and there was a very friendly dog called Fidel.
    Every day we were awakened by the crowing of a rooster and after we took breakfast we went to the swimming pool where we had a good time. Have you ever been in a farm? I recommend it. It's very nice to take a rest there.
    See you next time! Bye!

    Joaquín Cruz.


  8. Last summer I went to Pinamar with my mother, my brother, and my mother's boyfriend. The place is beautiful, it has beautiful beaches and many boys of my age . What I like the most is that I meet my friend Feli Braje. I enjoy very much being with him and my brother. During the day we go to the beach together and then at night to a place where we can play with the play station While we play our families walk.The place has many shops and places to eat. Sometimes we hace dinner there.Ialway ask my mother to go there. It is my favotite place.

  9. In 2018 winter I went to Bariloche with my mother Valeria, my father Rodrigo and my brother Julian.
    Bariloche has a beautiful lake called Nahuel Huapi, it´s nice but if you swim there you freeze, this lake has a maximum depth of 460 meters. One day we visit two islands that the lake has, they are very nice with a lot of tall trees and regional animals. Bariloche has a few restaurants but all with delicious food.
    We also visited one near city called Villa Langostura is very small. In my opinion is similar to Mar de las Pampas.
    Is beautiful place to live.

    Matías Paschetta

  10. In September 2019 I took a trip with my family to the Iguazu Falls.
    After arriving at the airport we were transferred by micro to the hotel, that day I was impressed by the land of the place because it was red, one of the typical foods there is mbeyú.
    The next day we went to the falls on the Argentine side, majestic especially by the devil's throat, it was full of coaties asking for or stealing food
    of tourists.
    The third day we went to the Brazilian side, before going to the waterfalls we passed through the bird park, a wonderful ecological reserve, and when the excursion was ending we found a group of monkeys playing and clowning around for people.
    Juan Pablo Vegetti González

  11. On September of 2018 I went to New York City with my parents.
    When we got to the airport, we heard a band play the national anthem of the United States. Because on the 11th of September from 2001 they commemorate when two commercial airplanes were stolen with the purpose of being hit against the twin towers that caused the death of too many people, many missing and injured.
    New York is a beautiful place where you can do everything you can imagine. I have visited the Empire State, the Statue of Liberty and the place that I was staying was vey close to Time Square.
    Some habits that people have there are that kids stay until midnight, and you can watch them in the streets or restaurants.
    Today New York is one of the places most affected by the coronavirus, this happens because in the United States there were delays in taking measures to prevent the spread of the virus. Today there is a lot of fear in the streets but I think that New York will be able to overcome it as we are all doing.
    I hope you like it!

    Martina Dalli

  12. Two summers ago on February I travelled to miami/orlando with my mother fernanda, my father and my grandma silvia. we host in a very nice house near the parks. orlando is a great city, childs and adults enjoy it very much. it has many parks to visit, I enjoyed very much get on the simulators the best one for me was avatar it was great. the only think that i didnt like very much was that many people wanted to get in so we have to make three hours of row. after some days in orlando we went to miami beach, we went to abeach thet the sea was very calm and light blue and when we were about to leave a lot of seagulls start to folloued me because i have a bisquit in my hand. !It was very funny I enjoyed that trip with my family

    Felipe Braje

  13. Two years ago i went to maiami/orlando with all my family.We traveled there because we want to spend new year there.We host in a hotel that was at 20 minutes to the park, first we went to orlando an then to maiami.In orlondo we went to 2 parks,to universal and magic kingdom.We went to a lot of shopings we bout a lot of things, i bout my ps4. My favuorite rolle coaster it was the hulk rolle coaster. in maiami we went to park of water slide . in maiami a ride a yet ski and a jumped in the mile of the sea .in maiami i eat a lobster also i went to manolo . I love that trip,!was a very nice trip with all my family
    Felipe Selem

  14. Six months ago i went to my favourite place, Brazil. Ivisited Brazil much times since i have nine years. I love it because it has very beautiful beach, the ocean, much shopings, very beautiful landscapes and some world wonders.
    People speak portuguese.
    there is much common play ALTIÑA. it is with a special ball, but you can play with the football ball. the ball cant touch the ground.
    in Rio De Janeiro, people go to the beach at 7:30 A.M because at 5:00 P.M the sun comes down and nobody stay at beach. In 2018 i went to the sea with my mother and later, we cant come back. it was very difficult to swim because the waves took inside.
    Finally we can go back to the beach, but my father was furious.
    Have you ever been there? It is fantastic!

    Catalina Carrubba

  15. On summer of 2020 I went to Bariloche with my family.We stayed in hotel that was on a mountain that is called Cerro Catedral.In winter a lot of people went there to sky,because is the best place to sky.When we was in the hotel and we wanted to go to the center of the city it took us 30 minutes.Bariloche is one of the most turistics cityes in Argentina.In winter the weather is very very cold and in summer is not very hot but peolple also liked to swam in the cold lakes.They also liked very much the chocolate and the ice cream.In winter a lot of schools went there to have the graduate trip.

    Juan Pedro

  16. Eight years ago i went to my favourite place, Bariloche with my grandparents and my parents.I was 3 years old.I was happy because it was the first time that would know the snow.
    It wasnt the perfect travel.We went by car, and we arrived Colonia at 3pm.We took a bath and rested for a while.We went to dinner and just my aunt , Karina called.It was to tell us that my other aunt , Silvina had had an accident.She was driving to the theater with her friends and flipped on the highway.They were fine but they were taken to the hospital.My grandmother was afraid that something was hidden from her and they decided to turn to Buenos Aires.My mom talked to my sister and she said that she was fine and our enthusiasm was so great that mi mom and dad decided to continue the trip.
    We had a good time , but it was a shame because we couldnt share it with my grandparents.

  17. My blog!

    I like to travel very much, but one of my favourite destinations is solanas club in Punta del Este.Do you know Punta Ballena? It is a very small beach 6 km far from Punta del Este , in Uruguay.
    The name has to do with the birth of cetacean species.
    My family and I went to solanas club for the first time when an artificial lagoon called crystal beach was opened. I was eight years old by that time.
    Solanas club is a big apartment complex, similar to a hotel but it is located inside a big forest with many different kind of trees.
    It,is very funny because the buildings are named with letters from A-Z and with numbers are accomodated the apartments. We got the building E and the apartment 564. The first day, we arrived, we were very unlucky because it hailed and a little twister came. The whole city stayed without electricity!! Luckily, I met many new friends in Solanas from Argentina. They are still my friends, nowadays and we go back every December to enjoy our holidays there.
    Appart from Solana's beach, I went to Punta Ballena's coast also. It is a very quiet place to spend familiar holidays. There are no robbery and we can run everywhere without risk. That is what I like most from the city.
    You can travel by boat or by car if you prefer.
    I hope you can travel there, too!

  18. Hello, Vicky the text of Ushuaia is mine I am writing by the mail of my mother
